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Work Study student walking outside with bookbag

Work Study Program

Earn while you learn.

With VHCC’s Federal Work-Study program, you can earn money, enhance your employment skills, and gain valuable work experience!

A wide range of work-study opportunities are open to income-eligible VHCC students. Most jobs are on VHCC’s campus, but a few community service opportunities are available at off-campus locations.

Benefits of the Work Study Program:

  • Flexibility: Work-study students work with their supervisor to determine their weekly schedules, and work hours are scheduled around your classes.
  • Location: Most work-study jobs are located right on campus!
  • Impact: Many students find work-study jobs related to their academic program or career interests, which helps give them an edge when applying for jobs in their field. Some students use their work-study positions to serve their community.

In order for you to be eligible for the Federal Work-Study program, you must be a current student enrolled in at least 6 financial aid eligible credits during the Fall and Spring semesters (12 credits total during the academic year). Eligibility for Federal Work-Study is determined by your financial need, based on your FAFSA application, and by meeting the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Additionally, you must do all of the following:

  • Submit the FAFSA for the aid year in which you will be attending
  • Submit all requested documentation listed on your myVHCC To Do List in your Student Center
  • Qualify for the Federal Pell Grant
  • Demonstrate remaining financial need
  • Be enrolled in at least 6 or more financial aid eligible credits
  • Meet VHCC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Students who are eligible for the Federal Work-Study Program will receive a message in their Student Center after they have been awarded. The message will contain a link to the Federal Work-Study Application. All financial aid requirements must be completed before an award can be placed on a student’s account.

The number of students awarded Federal Work-Study depends on availability of funds and number of eligible work-study applicants.

Work-study placements are approved by the Financial Aid Office on a first-come, first-served basis according to when the campus Financial Aid Work-Study Advisor receives completed employment packets.

Most placements for the Fall semester are done in July, August and early September. New work-study awards for the Spring semester are made in January. Funding for the Summer session is based on the student’s eligibility for the upcoming financial aid year.

The Federal Work-Study hiring process is highlighted here.

  • Your new Federal Work-Study (FWS) supervisor will contact you about developing your work schedule, and discuss when and where to report for work.
  • You will be expected to work the entire semester or term, and preferably a full year.
  • The amount of your work-study award, your hourly rate of pay, and the number of weeks remaining in a semester determines the length of your FWS placement and the number of hours you will work each week.
  • All work must occur on VHCC premises or at official off-campus sites designated in writing by the Campus Financial Aid Office.
  • Work hours cannot conflict with your classes.
  • You must clock out for personal time, to eat, or take a break.
  • You may not work from home or in any other location.

Your performance as a student employee can earn you positive references when you seek employment later.

  • Establish a work schedule and always be on time.
  • If you have to be absent, contact your supervisor directly.
  • Dress appropriately.
  • You are representing VHCC. Use appropriate behavior and language.
  • If you finish tasks designated by your supervisor during your scheduled hours, you may use the remaining time to study or do homework.
  • Use college equipment and supplies only for official college business.
  • Enter your work hours accurately and on time.

FWS jobs are normally terminated at the end of each academic year, however, a student employee must carry out the following procedure if he/she wishes to cease working: two weeks before quitting, talk to the Financial Aid Office and your supervisor about your intention to stop work. Before quitting your job, you must submit a completed Release Form with your supervisor's signature to the Financial Aid Office. This is absolutely necessary because a work assignment is part of your total financial aid package.

If you are terminated, the reason for dismissal must be made clear to you by the supervisor. The Financial Aid Officer must be informed, in writing, of the intention and reasons for releasing the work-study student. A Release Form must be completed by the supervisor and returned to the Financial Aid Office.

Supervisors will be required to evaluate your performance. The evaluation is kept on file for future reference.

  • A student's job is an employment opportunity which will give valuable work experience. Sometimes the job will be directly connected with a student's major, sometimes not, but in all cases, it is employment which will give experience in a work situation. The supervisor is a potential reference when seeking employment after leaving VHCC. 


  • You are required to notify the Financial Aid Office of any name or address change. Name changes cannot officially be made without a copy of a new social security card. 


  • It is important to use your time well and avoid socializing on the job. This includes social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, personal email and other personal usage of the computer. Misuse will be reason for immediate job dismissal. If your supervisor doesn’t have you working on anything, you are expected to be studying or completing course work. 


  • Report to work on time and with regularity. If you are going to be absent because of illness or any "justifiable reason", you must call the supervisor personally as early in the working day as possible. Permission to be absent for other reasons should be requested, not expected. 


  • A student employee must act in a professional manner concerning confidentiality of college and student records and confidentiality of information which comes to the student by virtue of his/her work. Breaches of such confidentiality and any act of dishonesty are just cause for immediate dismissal from the Federal Work Study Program. 


  •  Federal Work Study students are expected to dress neatly and appropriately for the department in which they work. Each student should check with their immediate supervisor to determine the departmental dress requirements.

  1. Sign into VCCS HR: Human Resources System
  2. Navigate to Self Service>Time Reporting>Report Time>Timesheet
  3. Timesheet will appear---go to View By and select “Time Period”
  4. Enter your time “In,” “Lunch,” “In” and “Out”
  5. Enter Time Reporting Code—“REG”
  6. Select “Submit”, then click “OK” to view your timesheet

If you do not have your time submitted by Thursday at 5 pm or you have an error on your timesheet, your paycheck may be delayed by two weeks at minimum.


  • "30 minute” break mandatory if working more than six and a half straight hours
  • You cannot work more than eight hours per day

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